Hassan Abdulrazzak's Curriculum Vitae
Division of Surgery, Oncology, Reproductive Biology and Anaesthetics (SORA), Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine.
Research Associate
February 2006 – December 2007
Supervisor: Professor Nicholas Fisk (Experimental Fetal Medicine Laboratory).
Manuscript in preparation from this work:
- Introduction of DNA and RNA molecules into first trimester fetal mesenchymal stem cells using nucleofection.
MRC Clinical Sciences Centre, Imperial College School of Science, Technology and Medicine
Postdoctoral Research fellow
October 2002 – October 2005
Supervisor: Dr. Clare Huxley (the Mammalian Artificial Chromosome group).
Projects: -The introduction of BACs carrying intact human genes into a variety of cell types.
- Studying the formation of de novo artificial chromosomes in mammalian cells.
The work was funded by the MRC.
Manuscripts in preparation from this work:
- CFTR expression from a BAC carrying the intact human gene and its regulatory elements.
- Bacterial transfer of large genomic DNA into a variety of cell types: comparison with other non-viral gene delivery approaches.
Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Research Fellow
June 2001 – June 2002
Supervisor: Professor Amin Arnaout’s lab (Renal Unit)
Project: Gene regulation of integrin promoters. The project involved the characterization of DNA secondary structures within the CD11b and CD18 promoters.
Imperial College School of Medicine at the National Heart and Lung Institute
Research Associate
August 1999 - May 2001
Supervisor: Professor Steven Marston (Department of Cardiac Medicine)
Project: Studying Troponin mutations derived from patients with Familial Hypertrophic Cardiac Myopathy.
The work was funded by the British Heart Foundation as part of a joint program with the labs of Professors Hugh Watkins and Chris Ashley in Oxford University.
University College London
PhD in Molecular Biology
August 1999 At: The Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology,
Supervisors: Dr. Darek Górecki , Professor Geoffrey Goldspink and Professor Eric Barnard. The title of the thesis: ‘the characterization of the P-type dystrophin transcript and promoter.’
Kingston University
BSc in Cell and Molecular Biology (2:1) June 1993
1992 : BSc project at Celltech Ltd. under the supervision of Dr. Adrienne Morgan .
Title of the dissertation: 'A study of the anti-HLA, murine monoclonal antibodies L243 and Tal14.1 in antibody dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity and complement mediated cytotoxicity assays'.